Are You Ready For The End?
Colts -6 1/2 v. Cardinals
Seahawks +3 @ Packers
Patriots -6 v. Dolphins
Notre Dame +4 1/2 v. Ohio State (Fiesta Bowl)
Florida State +9 v. Penn State (Orange Bowl)
Texas +7 1/2 v. Southern Cal (Rose Bowl)
“I can remember way back when a liberal was one who was generous with his own money.”
- Will Rogers
I finally cancelled my Star Tribune subscription last week. When they asked me why, I told them, but then regretted it. Why should I help those who hold me in such contempt? If I had to do it all over again, here are the top 11 fake reasons I would give for canceling my subscription:
10. The Isaac Asimov super quiz is too hard.
9. Nick Coleman’s column does not run seven days a week.
8. As a boss, I’m offended by the “Dilbert” cartoon.
7. The guy who does the Saturday blog review article quotes the Flavor Aid Report too much.
6. Paul Douglas is clearly wearing a toupee in his weather page photo.
5. Need more award winning non-partisan commentary by Jim Boyd.
4. Not enough Paris Hilton stories.
3. I’m not insulted enough on the sports pages.
2. You’re completely ignoring “Brokeback Mountain”.
1. Too much dwelling on Minneapolis’ rising crime rate.
Dozen Eggs
Baking Soda
10 Frozen Tombstone Pizzas
450 boxes of Sudafed
Sour cream
Cheddar cheese
Lots of ham
If you’re like me, you read this post by Saint Paul and asked yourself: “Why can’t I come up with awesome endearing nicknames like Garrison Keillor?” The answer is that you, like me, are not an ultra-smooth wordsmith like Garrison.
... the troupe's new CD, Oh My! (self-released), recorded at Jason Keillor's Angel Tits studio in Wisconsin. (According to the press release, "Angel Tits" was how Jason's father, Garrison Keillor, addressed Jason's mother in his early love letters.)
10. Nihil-breasts in Golf Bras
9. Pretty Good Poontang
8. Noam Cha Chas
7. Hairy Backed Swamp Developer
6. Angle Tits (possibly a typo)
5. Brokeback Buns
4. Silicone Satans
3. George W. Bush
2. Above Average Ass
1. Powdermilk Biscuits
UPDATE FOR THE LOS ANGELES TIMES: This post is satire. I did not get any of the above eleven items from Garrison Keillor’s love letters. I would not read Garrison Keillor’s love letters under any circumstances (or for any amount of money).
11. Dora the ANWR Oil Explorer
10. Sponge Bob War Protester
9. NSA Li’l’ wiretapper kit
8. EZ-Bake Meth lab
7. Rush Limbaugh Junior pharmacy kit
6. New York Times Li’l’ leaker diapers
5. Fisher Price electric chair
4. Anatomically correct Brokeback Mountain action figures
3. G.I. Joe torture kit complete with Ashlee Simpson CD
2. Junior eco-terrorist Lego tree spike
1. Bob the Wal-Mart Builder
We do sometimes do top 11 list requests. This list was requested by Marcus Aurelius of Clearing the Air.
10. Manhattan doesn’t allow smoking in bars and New York has more tourism and less crime than Minneapolis.
9. Bob Moffitt has videotape of key council members endorsing George W. Bush.
8. Brokeback Mountain (This has nothing to do with the smoking ban – we’re just emulating the Mainstream Media by mentioning it as often as possible.)
7. Don’t want to do anything that might upset the StarTribune editorial board.
6. Don’t want to dilute “the right to choose” by allowing choices that merely have a small chance of killing someone.
5. They’ve been afraid of cigars ever since they got Bill Clinton into trouble.
4. Studies show that it is healthier to live in a smoke-free homeless shelter than work in a smoky bar.
3. The council believes that the smoking ban will reduce crime in Minneapolis by shunting off the degenerate smokers on St. Paul.
2. Hitler smoked, didn’t he?
1. Slippery Slope: If smoking is allowed in bars the next thing you know we’ll be allowing people to bicycle while wearing headphones and before you know it Minneapolis will have the same freedoms as communist China – BUT EVERYONE WILL BE DEAD!!!
On his Thursday show, Hugh Hewitt was forgiving enough to ask Governor Tim Pawlenty to pardon us (and Fraters Libertas) for allegedly libeling him. Although T-Paw didn’t immediately grant the pardon, we’re sure it’s just a matter of filing the proper paperwork. In the mean time, we’ll take advantage of our clean slate to come up with a fresh set of Hugh Hewitt libels:
10. The Fetching Mrs. Hewitt is none other than Paris Hilton.
9. He gave Lileks his first few Hummels for free to get him hooked. Now Hugh makes ten grand a month off his habit.
8. There is no Chapman University Law School – Hugh just made it up when he decided to pretend to be a law professor.
7. Hugh turned down the opportunity to play one of the gay cowboys in Brokeback Mountain – but only because the studio refused to cast Al Franken as his co-star.
6. In every Presidential election since 1976, Hugh has written in Richard Nixon.
5. Generalissimo Duane keeps hidden, as an insurance policy, tape of Hugh asking: “Who’s this Shakes-whatever guy David Allen White keeps yapping about?”
4. The real reason Hugh misses so many shows: He’s following Canned Heat around on tour.
3. The Hugh Hewitt show interns are actually Al Qaeda detainees supplied by the CIA. All have cracked in less than a day.
2. The only reason he went to Harvard is that he lacked the hockey knowledge to get into the University of Minnesota.
1. Hugh is from Warren, Ohio.
On George Bush’s Inauguration Day, January 20, 2005, I purchased 100,000 shares of Halliburton at $41.62 in an attempt to cash in on the war. That investment has been a major success with Halliburton closing at 65.94 on Tuesday.
My initial investment of $4,160,000 is now worth $6,594,000, a profit of $2,434,000 or 58%.
Disney is “updating” Winnie the Pooh by replacing Christopher Robin with “a six-year old tomboyish girl.” This change is only the tip of the iceberg. Here are the top 11 changes that Disney has in store for Pooh:
10. Piglet will join PETA
9. Pooh and Tigger will marry and become gay cowboys.
8. Eeyore will convert to Islam and teach the gang tolerance towards the Religion of Peace.
7. Rabbit will apologize to Jimmy Carter for attacking him back in 1979.
6. Roo will die of second hand smoke.
5. Pooh and Tigger will get into a big debate over whether they should live in the city or suburbs.
4. Pooh will discover that he is a wizard and enroll in Hogwarts school.
3. Instead of honey, Pooh will become obsessed with tofu.
2. Tigger will go on Ritalin.
1. The six year old tomboyish girl’s single mother will be voiced by Paris Hilton.
Today marks the 72nd anniversary of the ratification of the 21st amendment repealing prohibition. We now take our constitutional right to booze it up for granted, but are we sure that prohibition could never happen again? Thanks to Al Capone and the other Roaring 20’s gangsters, prohibition is generally regarded as a failure (Capone et. al. have never gotten their due for this) but our society is once again trending in the direction of prohibition. Consider the blind eye turned towards the smoking ban induced bar closures in Hennepin County.
1. No, I don’t want a magazine subscription.
2. No, you can’t have my phone number.
3. I will not be filling out your online survey so don’t give me that three mile long receipt.
I realize that I haven’t been doing much in my roll as Reader’s Rep lately, but the truth is, this blog receives very few complaints and those that we do receive are baseless. Nevertheless, I suppose I should justify my title, so here is my response to some lame reader questions:
Q: Should you be posting the communiqués from Karl Rove? They seem like they should be kept from the liberals.
Hugh H. – Yorba Linda, CA
A: Don’t worry, liberals don’t read this blog.
Q: I don’t read you guys anymore. I only read the Wall Street Journal.
Jordan M. – Watertown, NY
A: It’s because we started occasionally posting photos, isn’t it? I told the Nihilist we should continue to follow the WSJ’s example and shun this new-fangled photography.
Q: Why do you still have Jennifer Garner’s name misspelled as “Jennifer Gardner [sic]” in this post, even though I’ve repeatedly brought the error to your attention. Fix it now!
Jay B. – Rochester, NY
A: I was going to make the correction until I saw how many hits we got from people googling “Jennifer Gardner”. I think that these may be from Ben Affleck, himself. Hi, Ben!
Q: The Nihilist in Golf Pants printed an e-mail from homeless man Leon. How did Leon get the Nihilist’s e-mail address given that you don’t publish your e-mail addresses? The Nihilist in Golf Pants could be the next Jayson Blair!
Fuzzy N. – Woodbury, MN
A: Not at all. Leon knows the Nihilists’s e-mail address because he is an old college friend.
Q: What was da source for dose state by state hooker rankings?
Jesse V. – Cambridge, MA
A: Don't worry Governor, the Nihilist will go to jail to protect our source.
Q: That song “You’re So Vain” is not about you. You were only five when it came out and back then parents kept their children away from pop stars.”
Mom – Tahiti
A: We never make any mistakes here. We stand by our story.
Q: Isn’t this just a blatant rip-off of the Kool-Aid Report’s Frequently Asked Questions bit?
Learned F. – Apple Valley, CA
A: No
In the Sisyphus Open Thread™ over at the Kool-Aid Report, I asserted my deeply held belief that the song “You’re So Vain” is about me. I think it’s about time I responded to the charges made in the song:
You walked into the party
Like you were walking onto a yacht
What she “forgot” to mention was that the party was, in fact, on a yacht.
Your hat strategically dipped below one eye
That really is a good look on me, isn’t it?
Your scarf it was apricot
So sue me, apricot just happens to be my color.
You had one eye in the mirror
As you watched yourself gavotte
Gavotte? Is that French? Now who’s being pretentious?
And all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner
They'd be your partner, and
You know it babe.
You're so vain
Am not.
You probably think this song is about you
Well it is, isn’t it?
You're so vain
I'll bet you think this song is about you
Even if this song weren’t about me (which it is) wrongly thinking that it was about me would be more paranoia than vanity. Someone should buy you a dictionary (an English dictionary).
Don't you? Don't you?
Well, yes. Well, yes.
You had me several years ago
When I was still quite naive
Who’s the naïve one. I’m the one who had a singer-songwriter who then went on to libel me in a hit song.
Well, you said that we made such a pretty pair
And that you would never leave
Okay, I admit I was just trying to get into your pants. And, I wasn’t exactly under oath at the time. I bet you defend Clinton for lying about “only sex”. Don’t you? Don’t you? Hypocrite.
But you gave away the things you loved
And one of them was me
Would you rather I traded you for a carton of cigarettes?
I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee
Clouds in my coffee, and
How many times did I tell you to clean your coffee maker?
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain
I'll bet you think this song is about you
Don't you? Don't you?
I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee
Clouds in my coffee, and
Again about the coffee.
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain
I'll bet you think this song is about you
Don't you? Don't you?
Well, I hear you went up to Saratoga
And your horse naturally won
Then you flew your Lear jet up to Nova Scotia
Actually it’s a BBJ, which is a far superior aircraft.
To see the total eclipse of the sun
Oh, I get it; you’re upset that I didn’t invite you along to see the eclipse. Well, the BBJ only seats 50.
Well, you're where you should be all the time
And when you're not, you're with
Some underworld spy
Who told you about Valerie Plame? Expect a subpoena.
Or the wife of a close friend
Wife of a close friend, and
I wouldn’t call Michael Douglas a close friend.
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain
I'll bet you think this song is about you
Don't you? Don't you?
Yada, yada, yada. Get over it.