Thursday, December 15, 2005

Top 11 Reasons To Attend Saturday's MOB Event At Keegan's Pub

On the off chance you haven't heard, Keegan's Pub is hosting the semi-annual MOB event this Saturday from 5 pm to the wee hours of the night. Keegan's is located on University Avenue, just west of Hennepin. There is no charge to attend, although the food and drink will be at Keegan's affordable prices. Here are the top 11 things you could see or do when you stop by:

11. Tell the Nihilist and Sisyphus how wonderful they are.

10. Enjoy a delicious Keegan's Cobb Salad, washed down with a Guinness Stout.

9. Possibly see Sisyphus and Deacon fight over British Premier League Soccer (if Deacon has the guts to show up.

8. Check out the admiring harem around Brian "St. Paul" Ward (not recommended for fans of Brokeback Mountain).

7. Meet the US Congressional District 6 Republican hopefuls that stop by to suck up to the bloggers.

6. Possibly see an old-school pose-down between JB Doubtless and Mitch Berg.

5. Guess who's older: Cap'n Fishsticks or Terry Keegan.

4. Dispel yourself of the notion that Learned Foot is "a very good-looking guy!" .

3. See Atomizer out-drink men three times his size (unfortunately, that means men over 250 lbs).

2. Lileks has agreed to buy a free drink to any adult male shorter than him.

1. Find out which experimental theater production Mitch recommends for the family this Christmas!


Blogger LearnedFoot said...


So your reason for attending will be the free beer from Lileks then?

-The Fetching LearnedFoot

7:58 AM  
Blogger Sisyphus said...

Put your mind at rest Keegan's security staff. There is no way that Deacon will show his face with Everton mired in 15th place. Obnoxious Packers Guy is more likely to show up.

8:45 AM  

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