Top 11 Mel Gibson Excuses
11. Thought he was ordering alcohol free gin and tonics
10. Was doing research for his next film, “Lethal Weapon V: Loaded Anti-Semite”
9. The police just misunderstood: He was actually blaming all of the wars in the world on Huey Lewis’ backup band
8. Apologized for calling the female Deputy “Sugar Tits” – he meant to call her “Angel Tits”
7. Has been hanging out with the Hoff too much lately
6. Was under the impression that everyone who drove drunk was just given a ride home, but apparently that applies only to Kennedys
5. The police just misunderstood: He was actually asking the Deputy whether she was Rew from Power Liberal
4. Mel has a naturally high blood alcohol level and his test result didn’t come from an exogenous outside source of alcohol
3. George Bush’s arrogant decision to ignore the Kyoto treaty led to the global warming which made Mel thirsty
2. The police just misunderstood: He was actually complaining about the “dirty pews” in the police station
1. Ran into the same Malibu cop who hassled The Dude in “The Big Lebowski”