Sunday, July 02, 2006

Advice To The Minnesota GOP

The Minnesota GOP just doesn't get it sometimes. Their web site currently contains a bunch of negative campaigning, including this Top Ten Things Missing From Lobbyist Amy Klobuchar's Campaign Website.

Now, I'm not upset at all about negative campaigning. Highlighting the difference between your candidate and their opponent includes both the positive things about you and the negative about them.

However, this is Minnesota and the Right Wing Blogosphere has established that conservatives use Top 11 lists, not top 10 lists. I am not bragging. Even though this phenomenon began here at Nihilist In Golf Pants, I had nothing to do with it. It was all Sisyphus' idea. However, it is now a well established fact and our local Republicans would do well to embrace it.

So in the interest of helping them out I will add an eleventh item to their list of things missing from Amy Klobuchar's Campaign Website:

11. An attractive picture of Amy


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