Top 11 Slogans the Baby from the MovOn.Org E-mail Would Have Preferred to Hold Up sent out an e-mail (subject: Bush doesn't care about America's children, but we do) announcing their upcoming rally in Excelsior protesting Bush’s veto of the SCHIP expansion. (This is the perfect location for the protest, as it is inner city Excelsior children who will be hardest hit by the veto.)
Hilarious. Taking the Top 11 list visual REALLY takes it to another level.
calling a Mom a whore, how very very classy.
Venal and without manners, you guys take the cake.
Whore cake, YUM!
Anonymous, does this mean that you're okay with the implication that a baby is a pump?
lol! i'm just happy to have something to be angry about, instead of thinking about what steam tray of limp dicks and weirdos the GOP turned into.
You have to laugh at the "outrage" of the loony lefties.
I didn't happen to see where anyone called anyone's mom a "whore".
Must be those "thought police" again.
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