It has now been over 48 hours since Obnoxious Packer Guy wrote
the following over at the Kool-Aid Report:
“Brett Favre … [is] the Worst.”
Since then, Learned Foot has had ample opportunity to condemn OPG, or at least distance himself from the slur. Instead he has chosen to make even more ridiculous attacks against JB and myself. It is odd that Foot has chosen to rip Favre so soon after he set the NFL touchdown pass record and is off to a 4-0 start, but there is no understanding Packer “fans”.
Remember Foot, OPG declared that Favre is the Worst. That means that there can be no quarterback who has ever been worse – and I submit to you that it is indisputable that Don Majkowski was a worse quarterback than Favre.
We here at Nihilist in Golf Pants are so offended by Foot’s dissing of Favre that we have taken the rare and significant step of proposing a non-binding resolution:
Nihilist in Golf Pants Non-Binding Resolution:
We hereby condemn Learned Foot for not denouncing his co-blogger for declaring that “Brett Favre … [is] the Worst.”
Voting is now open on this resolution on the right sidebar.
The most disturbing thing about all this is the Don Majkowski website. They'll let anyone on the Internet these days, I swear....
Mr. D
Why do you hate America and our troops, Sisyphus?
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