Top 11 Things Barack Obama Supporters Did After Voting Today
11. Felt proud of America for the first time in their lives
10. E-mailed friends in Europe to seek their approval
9. Picked up their cigarettes from ACORN
8. Proposed to their same sex partner
7. Went to the next polling place to vote again
6. Changed their sexual habits based on an expected abortion rich, consequences free environment
5. Patted selves on back saying "Mother was right, I am a good person!"
4. Hit Best Buy to spend some of that wealth spreading coming their way
3. Bought some lottery tickets
2. Planned for career change to new growth industries like government censor or union thug
1. Started drinking
10. E-mailed friends in Europe to seek their approval
9. Picked up their cigarettes from ACORN
8. Proposed to their same sex partner
7. Went to the next polling place to vote again
6. Changed their sexual habits based on an expected abortion rich, consequences free environment
5. Patted selves on back saying "Mother was right, I am a good person!"
4. Hit Best Buy to spend some of that wealth spreading coming their way
3. Bought some lottery tickets
2. Planned for career change to new growth industries like government censor or union thug
1. Started drinking
Went back to their mother's basement to blog about how hard it is to live Bush's Amerikkka.
Threw a family member or spiritual advisor or poltical svengali under a nearby bus.
I only did number 1, thank you very much!
And so , the electorate is split in two:
Those who love to drink whiskey, and those who need to learn to love to drink whiskey.
Got ready for the Pakistan invasion
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