Top 11 Mariah Carey Physics Albums
I would never have guessed that I have something in common with Mariah Carey, but it turns out I do! We are both physics geeks! Mariah Carey has titled her newest album E= MC2.
Although I agree with Mariah that Einstein’s equation on mass-energy equivalence is one of the coolest in physics, it is also the most clichéd. I worry that people will falsely think of her as a poseur physics-geek wannabe. It would have been hipper to have chosen a slightly more obscure formula for the album title. Here are my top 11 suggestions:
11. Mariah: Newton’s Law of Gravitation
*chuckle* I like "Mariah: Ideal Gas Law" best. It's perfect for those days when she finds herself full of hot air! :P
I use the Lawson Criterion daily.
The coolness of a job is defined by how often you use the Lawson Criterion in it.
Me, I'd like to calculate her moment of intertia.
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